• Jun 5, 2018 from 8:00am to 3:00pm
  • Location: IBM Executive Briefing Center
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

Development simplified: leverage a single database for structured and unstructured data

New applications must often leverage multiple types of data from many sources; and you have to deliver fast. While relational or transactional data is at the core of applications, and now you must also integrate unstructured sources like geo-location information, emails, and more. Instead of coding with different databases for different data types, why not use a single database to reduce complexity and deliver applications faster?

IBM Db2 database software stores both relational data and unstructured data like JSON in a single database to make coding simple. Furthermore, Db2 meets requirements for enterprise scalability, availability and reliability. Why does it matter? Because you can do it right the first time without wasting time and productivity cycles to rewrite database components of your applications before deployment.

Attend this free workshop to learn the fundamentals of developing applications with Db2. We will go over:

  1. Supported languages, IDEs and available APIs
  2. Db2 architecture, including the ability to store unstructured data alongside relational tables
  3. Robust compatibility that lets you run SQL written for other platforms like Oracle, Netezza and Postgres
  4. Using Db2 with Node.js and OData / REST API programming projects
  5. Tips and tricks as well as SQL tuning and monitoring capabilities
  6. How to write bad SQL: Seven SQL performance killers to avoid

If you know SQL and have some familiarity with programming database calls into your applications, then this workshop will get you productive on Db2 very quickly.

Join the IBM Db2 team and the St. Louis Db2 User Group (wdug.org) to learn how Db2 can help you simplify coding and speed your applications to market.

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