Tuesday, June 5, 2018 (4)

Jun 5, 2018
June 5, 2018
  • TRIDEX Db2 for z/OS

  • Jun 5, 2018 all day
  • Location: IBM Building
  • Description:

    Quarterly meeting featuring IBM's Terry Purcell, along with John Casey and Paul Bartak from Rocket Software.  Learn what's new from the Db2 12 Optimizer.  Follow Terry as he does a deep dive into the RUNSTAT utility, discussing various challenges and misconceptions.  John Casey will present IBM's Data Virtualization Manager and show how DVM unlocks the full potential of data on IBM Z to provide universal access to any application regardless of location or format required. Paul Bartak will presen

  • Created by: Celia Gahagan
  • Development simplified: St Louis workshop for app developers and DBAs

  • Jun 5, 2018 from 8:00am to 3:00pm
  • Location: IBM Executive Briefing Center
  • Description:

    Development simplified: leverage a single database for structured and unstructured data

    New applications must often leverage multiple types of data from many sources; and you have to deliver fast. While relational or transactional data is at the core of applications, and now you must also integrate unstructured sources like geo-location information, emails, and more. Instead of coding with different databases for different data types, why not use a single database to reduce complexity and deliver

  • Created by: Lynn Chou