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  • Ciao Max!!!

    How are you doing? Have passed the exam....so looking forward to meet you on my side of the alps or your side of the alps soon and do some flying!!

    Best regards,
    Toine Michielse
  • We did Florence in 2001. Maybe we still have a list with italian attendees on that year. I guess the confernce chair of that year could help you out Max.
    With regards, Jaap
  • Hi, can you invite your Italian DB2 users to this social network please?
    Maybe you can teach me Italian ? Your English is very good.
  • Hi Surekha
    do you know you look wonderful in you pic (and in person as I knew iou) ? A bright star. Yes probably you know it :-)))

    I'm working hard for migration and IDUG. I sent 50 mails to italian people, hope they raised interest in italian DB2ers for IDUG in Rome.
    I have many other projects outside DB2 this year with the hope to have enough time to do them !

    I need to speak more with you to improve my awful english :)


  • Hi Max - I will be in Madrid in April - looking forward to catching up with you.
  • Hi Max - welcome to the world of DB2 for z/OS
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Max Scarpa updated their profile photo
Jul 28, 2022
Max Scarpa commented on Surekha Parekh's blog post Good bye JC! John Campbell is retiring on 5th Aug
"Hello John
It's a long time I don't work with DB2, but I remember your presentations, skills and Db2 knowledge as one of the best, with Roger Bonnie and the other in Idug EMA.
Good luck and enjoy your retirement and your 'freedom'...I'm next to it…"
Jul 28, 2022