• Mar 31, 2020 from 11:00am to 12:00pm
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

Register Now  for our upcoming Db2 for z/OS performance deep dive into Infused AI performance monitoring.  There will be an opportunity for live Q&A : http://bit.ly/2QdzWTb

IBM is transforming and modernizing your Db2 end-to-end performance experience using built-in analytics and anomaly detection introduced in November 2019, Infused AI performance monitoring can provide a more accurate monitoring of your application performance.

Your applications can learn what is “normal” performance over time and only alert you when workload is outside of normal.  Thresholds and alerts are more predictive and responsive to changing workloads.  

Join Tim Willging, Distinguished Engineer and Architect in this session, as we dive into the details, including a demo. of how Infused AI Performance Monitoring works, how you can configure and set it up and start realizing the benefits.  

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