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Db2 for zOS & Db2 (LUW) Days!


November 25th 2020   Wednesday ‐ z/OS & Dev - Day  1

  • Introduction SQLAdria Team
  • VSP
  • Derive optimal insight by bringing analytics to your most valuable data - Namik Hrle
  • Where we are with Continuous Delivery - Peter Hartmann
  • Db2 Analytics Accelerator V7.5: Technical deep‐dive and roadmap - Eberhard Hechler
  • Building Jenkins pipelines for Db2 for z/OS - Jorn Thyssen
  • Apples, Trees, Gravity, Data and ... IBM Z! - Frank Van Der Wal

November 26th 2020   Thursday ‐ z/OS  & Dev - Day 2

  • Do not code, let Db2 for z/OS do the work - Peter Hartmann
  • Watson Machine Learning for z/OS nuts and bolt - Diego Cardalliaguet
  • Readily integrate real‐time fraud detection with Watson ML for z/OS - Eberhard Hechler
  • Lessons learned in traditional mainframe application development - Patric Becker
  • Beginning with Java in Db2 for z/OS - Jan Marek

November 27th 2020   Friday ‐  LUW Day

  • Db2 Go‐programming lab - Andreas Christian
  • Steroids for the Optimizer – An Introduction to (Advanced) Statistics - Matthias Nicola
  • Managing JSON data inside Db2 database - Marcin Marczewski
  • Db2 V11.5 and Db2 V11.5.4 and Db2 V11.5.5 - Les King
  • Wrapping up Db2 V11.1 - Les King
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