• Aug 4, 2009 from 11:00am to 12:00pm
  • Location: Virtual event
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021
The rate at which we collect, store and process data continues to rapidly increase. Global communications make the world smaller and businesses more efficient as more and more information is processed electronically. But there is down side. From 1997 to 2007 credit card-related fraud grew from $1.46 billion to $5.49 billion, according to industry reports.. To defend against these attacks, a consortium of credit card companies worked together to develop the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). PCI DSS is a global standard that applies to any company that processes credit card data. Compliance affects the whole financial industry worldwide - financial institutions, retailers of all sizes and credit card intermediaries. Cyber-crime attacks to these organizations’ systems put customer data at risk including identity theft, as well as producing headlines that can raise concerns and lower confidence among card users. Join this teleconference and learn how using IBM DB2 for z/OS on System z, meets the 12 requirement of the PCI DSS standard. Learn how you can deploy end-to-end security and data governance solutions while keeping the data securely in one place. Gain insight and tactics for how DB2 for z/OS and the most secure platform available, System z. help you comply with the standard by protecting your stored data, ensuring privacy through test and development lifecycles, enabling the highest levels of security, access and auditing available Speaker: James Pickel, is a Senior Technical Staff Member at IBM. Register Now
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