• Mar 25, 2020 from 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • Location: KMD
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

The Nordic Db2 Update Day in will provide you with the latest information and news about Db2 for z/OS, Db2 Analytics Accelerator, Db2 Tools, and we are also hoping to be able to share some exciting news.




  1. Welcome by Leif Pedersen
  2. Db2 for z/OS news by Peter Hartmann, covering
    - Continuous Delivery (=CD)
    - general functionalities besides CD
    - z15 and DS8K
  3. IBM Data Analytics Accelerator 7.5 by Mehmet Cuneyt Goksu, covering
    - Update with Insync and Multi Node, performance considerations
  4. Db2 tools update by Jørn Thyssen, covering
    - Db2 DevOps Experience, AI infusion i CQM
    - QMF possibilities like ziip offload
  5. Other exciting news by Mehmet Cuneyt Goksu, covering
     - “Data Virtualization” - Use It, Don’t Move It
  6. Summary by Leif Pedersen



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