• Sep 30, 2014 from 11:00am to 12:00pm
  • Location: On-line
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

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DB2 for z/OS: REAL Storage Past, Present and Future




  • Getting immediate cost savings with DB2 11
  • Day one readiness for SAP applications
  • Possible enhancements coming in the future


Speaker:  John Campbell, IBM Distinguished Engineer, DB2 for z/OS Development, IBM Software Group


Broadcast date: September 30, 2014, 11:00 a.m. EDT / 3:00 p.m. GMT / 4:00 p.m. BST

Developed for: IT and enterprise architects and managers; database administrators and managers

Technical level: Intermediate


 As support for IBM® DB2® Version 10 nears its end, many IBM clients are considering an upgrade to DB2 11 to keep supported environments stable, reduce costs, improve overall performance and enable faster decision-making. These capabilities are more important than ever with the growth of big data and mobile applications. Upgrading to DB2 11 can help you manage and process large volumes of data very quickly, with minimal disruption for running applications.


Join us for a complimentary webcast and technical deep-dive on real storage monitoring and control for DB2 for z/OS®. This session is designed for installations running either DB2 10 or 11 for z/OS. The agenda includes a discussion of virtual storage as the big limiter, and the evolution of the 64-bit world from DB2 for z/OS Version 8 through DB2 11, as well as the control of real storage.


We will also share a beginner’s guide to DISCARD, Large Frame Area, performance enhancements and SPIN avoidance. You’ll hear about changes to the storage manager and the impact of setting XCF CRITICAL PAGING.


Join us after the webcast for a live question-and-answer session. This webcast will also be available for replay after the event.

Register now: http://ibm.co/1lwvjek

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