• Mar 29, 2018 from 9:00am to 4:00pm
  • Location: OLD STURBRIDGE VILLAGE Fuller Conference Center
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021




1 Old Sturbridge Village Road

Sturbridge, MA  01655

800 733 1830


The next meeting of the New England DB2 User's Group will occur on Thursday March 29, 2018.
We will meet at Old Sturbridge Village, Fuller Conference Center.  We have an excellent lineup of speakers, timely presentations and some very important announcements.
https://www.osv.org/fuller-conference-center    Directions:  https://www.osv.org/content/directions


Join this Db2 event next week and you will be entered into a raffle to win a Full Conference Pass for 2018 IDUG Tech Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA April 29 - May 03, 2018 www.idug.org 
Sponsored By: Syncsort

Theme: Performance & Capacity

Registration will be $20 again. 


09:00  Opening Remarks

09:15  Unleash the Power of Your Data with Database Replication and Transformation

10:30  Break

10:45  From Virtually Constrained to Really Overcommitted

12:00  Lunch

01:00  Capacity Planning and Management, Multi-Platform Approach

02:30  Lessons Learned from 360 Studies

03:45  Wrap Up

Here are the highlights:

 ·         Unleash the Power of Your Data with Database Replication and Transformation - John Gay - Technical Specialist and Solution Architect, IBM Power – Syncsort
 ·         From Virtually Constrained to Really Overcommitted - Adrian Burke – IBM
  ·         Capacity Planning and Management, Multi-Platform Approach - Dale Feiste - Consultant, Capacity Planning and Management – Syncsort
 ·         Lessons Learned from 360 Studies - Adrian Burke – IBM

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