• Jul 7, 2009 from 11:00am to 12:00pm
  • Location: Virtual Event
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021
Every DBA strives to maintain a healthy DB2 environment every day. However, there are numerous lingering misconceptions about database health to which many organizations fall prey. These misconceptions occur because Database Administrators believe in, or apply concepts that are, objectively false. Like old wives' tales, some misconceptions exist simply because they have been passed down from older generations. In terms of DB2, this means that even best practices true for older DB2 versions may no longer be best. This teleconference comprises a number of the most common ones about DB2 maintenance and recovery. Speaker: Ulf Heinrich, Register Now
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  • Apologies for not attending - I'll be on a plane.
  • This looks interesting. Let the truth unfold.
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