• Jun 13, 2017 from 8:30am to 4:00pm
  • Location: HYATT PLACE MINNEAPOLIS/DOWNTOWN, 425 7th Street South, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 55415
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

Scott Hayes - Sage Advice Part 4: The DB2 LUW Performance Optimization Journey Continues!
Building on Sage Advice Parts 1, 2, and 3 that covered weighted performance analysis, index benefit analysis, and predictive index impact analysis, part 4 continues the DB2 LUW performance optimization journey with a refreshing and thought provoking method and analysis for squeezing even greater performance from your databases! Learn how to do a complete index redesign for a database, plus physical design and configuration tips.

Dale McInnis - Uncommon uses of DB2's HADR
 In this presentation we will examine some of the more uncommon uses of DB2's HADR technology. Examples include, updating the operating system, updating the hardware platform, migrating from a non-HA environment, moving to a new data center, ...

James Sobieski - The Secret Life of Administrative Views

James Sobieski - Tips and Tricks for Unix Shell Scripting DB2 Administration
Shell scripts provide powerful capabilities to automate database administration, monitoring and tuning processes. DB2 has a rich and powerful Command Line Processor which lends itself well to easy automation of administration tasks in shell scripts. This presentation discusses techniques and gives many examples of using shell scripts to perform activities in DB2.

Troy Coleman - Modern DB2 Security you can trust
Security is at the top of the list of concerns for CIO’s these days. DB2 for z/OS is running on the most secure platform in the industry, however, you still need to take steps to ensure you are taking advantage of the security features built into DB2.  One of these features “roles and trusted contexts” has been overlooked for years, but more recently companies have been asking for help in understanding and implementing roles and trusted contexts. This presentation will explain the concepts of roles and trusted contexts and will provide some real-world use cases and steps to implement them.  In addition, we will discuss some recent enhancements delivered in DB2 11 around secondary roles.

Robert Catterall - Modernizing the Architecture of Your DB2 for z/OS-Accessing Applications
DB2 for z/OS has been around for more than 30 years, and there are applications written for DB2 in the 1980s that are running just fine today. That said, recent years have seen major changes in the architecture of DB2-accessing applications. These newer developments have delivered enhanced agility, resiliency, and flexibility, while conforming to the programming preferences of a new generation of application developers. This session will explore a variety of topics related to modern architecture for DB2-accessing applications, including native SQL procedures, synergy with message queuing technology, support for Java and other modern languages, RESTful services, and leveraging developer-friendly DB2 features and functions.

Robert Catterall - Let Me Make THIS Clear – More Oft-Misunderstood DB2 for z/OS Concepts and Facilities"
At the 2016 IDUG North America Conference I talked about DB2 for z/OS concepts and facilities that many people know of but are not clear on. I'm back with more of the same, again based on questions I get from DB2 users around the world. From pooled and high-performance DBATs to large page frames, from data set open and close to prefetch reads and array data types, I'll try to take folks from "Uh" to "Oh!"

Mark Rader - DB2 12 for z/OS Data Sharing Enhancements

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