• Sep 14, 2010 from 11:00am to 12:00pm
  • Location: Virtual
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021
Calling all DB2 for z/OS users !! Ever considered the business impact of having poor quality data stored in your DB2 database? Bad data is like a virus for the business. If left undetected or misdiagnosed, it can spread and become more aggressive, eventually even crippling its host. Imagine the impact to your information systems. Without a rigorous data quality program, what damage can bad data do if it spreads across the information supply chain — affecting other data, applications, processes, business subsidiaries and trading partners as they consume, process and then spread the “infected” information to others.Along the way, it will skew metrics, reduce report accuracy and ultimately affect business decisions and executive confidence in trusting that data. Without a way to deliver trusted information, how effective are your solutions such as packaged applications, transaction systems, departmental systems, master data management systems, data warehouses or business intelligence systems? It’s a good time to put a data quality program in place.Join us for this complimentary webcast and learn why information quality is core to an information governance strategy. You’ll hear about IBM customers that have benefited with their InfoSphere™ solutions on IBM System z® by introducing quality control of data at first capture. Attendees will also receive a complimentary new white paper on information quality.Topics to be discussed will include the IBM InfoSphere suite of solutions, including how they help you:*Discover and reveal what data exists, where it is used, anomalies and inconsistencies*Visualize the impact of changing that data to all applications that use it*Introduce data quality initiatives at the point of capture*Cleanse, transform and deliver trusted information*Provide a consistent common understanding of data, how and where it is used and owners’ responsibilities to it.You will be able to download our new whitepaper on Information Quality and the 2010 Information Governance Market Report.
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