Tuesday, April 23, 2019 (1)

Apr 23, 2019
April 23, 2019
  • Alabama Db2 Users Group

  • Apr 23, 2019 from 8:30am to 3:45pm
  • Location: Aldridge Gardens
  • Description:

    8:30 - 9:00       Registration

    9:00 - 9:15       Larry Long, Welcome, Opening Meeting

    9:15 - 10:30    Gerald Hodge, HLS Technologies, Inc.

     SQL REWRITE in Db2 V9 & V10 and SQL   TRANSFORMATION in Db2 V11 & V12

    10:30 - 10:45   =   BREAK

    10:45 - 12:00 Judy H. Nall, Computer Business International, Inc. and  Gerald Hodge, HLS Technologies, Inc.

     Query Performance with DB2 EXPLAIN, Catalog Tables, RUNSTATS and SQL: How the EXPLAIN process works in DB2 z/OS

    12:00 - 1:00    LUNCH - Jim ‘N Nick’s  by UBS Hain

  • Created by: Judy H. Nall