Thursday, June 7, 2018 (4)

Jun 7, 2018
June 7, 2018
  • TRIDEX Db2 for LUW

  • Jun 7, 2018 all day
  • Location: IBM Building
  • Description:

    Quarterly meeting featuring IBM's Paul Bird, Peter Kohlmann and Enzo Cialini along with Mona Eldam from Morgan Stanley.  Peter will present the latest in Data Server Manager, Enzo will go into depth about pureScale, Paul with describe a new graphical tool to simplify the management of WLM and Mona will show how to effectively use JSON within Db2.

    Register at

    For the agenda, see Tridex%2020180607%20LUW.doc

  • Created by: Joe Geller
  • FiDUG Meeting 7th of June 2018

  • Jun 7, 2018 from 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • Location: Samlink
  • Description:

    Tervetuloa FiDUG:n kesäseminaaripäivään torstaina 7.6.2018 klo 09 - 17.

    Seminaari järjestetään Samlinkin tiloissa osoitteessa Linnoitustie 9, 02600 Espoo. Junalla pääsee Leppävaaraan, josta lyhyt kävelymatka. Parkkipaikkoja on Sellossa (5h) ja kadunvarressa rajoitetusti (4h). Tilaisuus on maksuton. Lounasta ja kahvia voi nauttia Amica Quartetossa omakustanteisesti. Ravintola sijaitsee kätevästi samassa rakennuksessa.
    Päivän agenda:
    09:00-09:30 Ilmoittautuminen ja aamukahvi
    09:30-10:30 Just re-load a
  • Created by: Janttu Lindroos
  • Db2 Tech Talk: What's New in Db2 V11.1.3.3 for SAP Solutions

  • Jun 7, 2018 from 9:00am to 10:00am
  • Location: Webcast
  • Description:

    This presentation is specific to the distributed platform. We have many updates to enhance your Db2 for SAP environment. Join Karl Fleckenstein to learn how IBM DB2 can help SAP customer experience significant gain in BW ETL processing with BLU extensions such as BLU secondary indexes and BLU parallel insert. In addition, you will find enhancements for Db2 Encryption integration with SAP, Db2 for SAP in Google Cloud, and Db2 performance improvements for SAP Core Data Services, which are

  • Created by: Lynn Chou
  • NEODBUG quarterly meeting

  • Jun 7, 2018 from 9:00am to 4:30pm
  • Location: Crowne Plaza - Cleveland South
  • Description:

    Dear IT Professional,

    The Northeast Ohio Database Users Group (NEODBUG) announces their next quarterly meeting: Thursday June 7, 2018 from 9am - 4:30pm at the Crowne Plaza Cleveland South in Independence.

    We are pleased to present as morning speaker Don Lohmeier of BMC Software, who will offer “DB2 Partitioning – Bringing the Story Up to Date” and “Here We Go Again - What's New in Db2 12”.

    Our afternoon speaker will be Roy Boxwell of SEGUS, who will talk on “Db2 12 – 12 Months Agile Production Expe

  • Created by: James Szabo