Thursday, March 8, 2018 (2)

Mar 8, 2018
March 8, 2018
  • Midwest Db2 User Group - Chicago

  • Mar 8, 2018 from 8:30am to 3:00pm
  • Location: IBM Wacker Office - Chicago, Room 06-6607
  • Description:

    08:30am - 09:00am  Registration – Coffee, juice, soda and rolls

    09:00am - 09:15am  Welcome and IBM Announcements
    Troy Coleman, IBM

    09:15am - 10:15am  Db2 Security Best Practices II 
    Dave Beulke, Gold Consultant and IBM Information Champion

    Implementing the best security techniques and strongest configuration is mandatory these days for safe guarding your data. This presentation discusses the latest DB2 security methods, procedures and techniques for fortifying DB2 systems, databases and applicat

  • Created by: Clif Burnes
  • Db2 Tech Talk: Getting Started using IBM Db2 Event Store for Fast Data and Analytics

  • Mar 8, 2018 from 9:00am to 10:00am
  • Location:
  • Description:

    With its lightning-fast data ingestion, real-time analytics, machine learning, data science capabilities, and Apache Spark base, IBM Db2 Event Store enables uncovering deeper knowledge and actionable insights at far faster speeds in event driven applications. Download the free developer edition and join us to:

    • Learn how to speed up and simplify your fast data architecture for real-time applications,
    • Get started with the best tips and guidance for using it in your applicatio
  • Created by: Lynn Chou