Tuesday, February 27, 2018 (2)

Feb 27, 2018
February 27, 2018
  • ML Everywhere: Build Your Ladder to AI

  • Feb 27, 2018 from 10:00am to 11:00am
  • Location: https://ibm.co/2EbMRAU
  • Description:
    As 2018 shapes up to be the year that machine learning gains widespread use, step up and join us for Machine Learning Everywhere: Build Your Ladder to AI, on February 27 at 1pm EST. This one hour web broadcast will take you through the steps to implement machine learning today including demos on how to best collect, organize, secure and analyze your data. Learn how machine learning will accelerate the journey to AI as it penetrates businesses and enterprise functions while it redefines entire in
  • Created by: Lynn Chou
  • Db2 z for DevOps: Application development, agility and quality

  • Feb 27, 2018 from 11:00am to 12:00pm
  • Description:

    Db2 z for DevOps:  Application development, agility and quality



    Companies today are looking for new ways to take advantage of their mainframe-based data and processes that have been the backbone of their business for decades.  These companies recognize the need to transform to a digital economy and are considering all options. 

    The question is how to move forward? Many companies know that their ability to define and innovate is dependent upon their success in re

  • Created by: Calene Janacek