Tuesday, December 13, 2016 (2)

Dec 13, 2016
December 13, 2016
  • New York City Roadshow - IBM DB2 for SAP

  • Dec 13, 2016 from 9:30am to 2:30pm
  • Location: New York City
  • Description:

    Organizations running SAP environments with IBM DB2 software have many options available to improve current operations and be well positioned for new projects and strategic growth.

     IBM invites you and your colleagues to attend this half-day session to examine key considerations and gain critical insights for optimizing SAP environments.

    Please join us and learn how IBM can help you make your existing investments work smarter while avoiding cost and risk.  

    For more details about the seminars, read

  • Created by: Sajan K
  • DB2 User Group Meeting on Backup & Recovery

  • Dec 13, 2016 from 1:30pm to 7:00pm
  • Location: De Voorzorg  Antwerpen -
  • Description:

    Back in the days, systems programmers performed arithmetic in hexadecimal – today’s systems programmers think, "there must be an app for it!"

    Let’s face it. There are only eight hours -ok, really 12 or 15 hours - in your work day. There are always new projects to tackle, new fires to put out, new things to be turned off and then turned on. Even the most seasoned DB2 professional needs help every once in a while.

    This certainly applies to DB2 backup and recovery. Of course, information on this subj

  • Created by: Tielemans Jan