Friday, December 11, 2015 (1)

Dec 11, 2015
December 11, 2015
  • DB2Night Show for z/OS #65: Implementing Expanded RBA/LRSN in DB2 11 for z/OS

  • Dec 11, 2015 from 10:00am to 11:00am
  • Location:
  • Description:

    DB2 11 for z/OS features the ability to expand the RBA and LRSN from 6 to 10 bytes.  This feature is one of the biggest reasons that shops are migrating to DB2 11.  This presentation will outline some of the challenges and get you ready to take on this migration soon after you reach DB2 11 New Function Mode.



    David Simpson is currently the Vice President of Themis Inc. He teaches courses on SQL, Application Programming, Database Administration as well as optimization, performance and tuni

  • Created by: Martin Hubel