Tuesday, September 29, 2009 (2)

Sep 29, 2009
September 29, 2009
  • DB2 for z/OS - Technology Update

  • Sep 29, 2009 all day
  • Location: IBM South Bank
  • Description: This free technology update is a great opportunity to learn about the technology advancements in the latest version of DB2 and how to get the most from your investment in System z. We’ll also look at modernising your enterprise with Rational Toolset. The seminar will feature and examine the benefits of DB2 9 for zO/S plus tips and techniques for migration. Technical details and demos are specifically tailored for two audiences Register Now More Information - Agenda
  • Created by: Surekha Parekh
  • Data Governance and System z - your key to Business Optimization

  • Sep 29, 2009 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm
  • Location: Virtual (Webcast)
  • Description: Join me and Merv Adrian (independent analyst) for this upcoming webcast. 11:00 EST ,16:00 GMTThe pressure’s on and it’s staying on. The usage, sharing and processing of electronic data continues to rapidly increase yet many corporations still complain about being data rich but information poor. C level execs are just not confident with the quality of information being used to support the decision making process. Set against this backdrop CEOs are facing increasing pressure and focus to comply wi
  • Created by: Mark Simmonds