Thursday, September 10, 2009 (1)

Sep 10, 2009
September 10, 2009
  • Leveraging System z for Information on Demand with DB2

  • Sep 10, 2009 all day
  • Location: New York
  • Description: Learn how to take greater advantage of your System z® platform at this one-day event. Data. It's the engine that drives your business. But too much of it can become a major roadblock. You need to be able to control and manage your data so that it can be accessed and shared by modern workloads. Whether you use DB2 or IMS technology, upgrading is not an option. It's a necessity. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll be able to reap the rewards offered by the latest technological enhancements ru
  • Created by: Surekha Parekh