• Jun 6, 2011 from 11:00am to 12:00pm
  • Location: DB2Night Show z/OS Edition, Live webcast available on replay
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

The DB2Night Show z/OS Edition #05: DB2 for z/OS DB2 V10 Migration Planning and Early User Experiences

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Join us 6 June 2011 at 10am Central/5pm CET for The DB2Night Show z/OS Edition Episode #5.  Host Klaas Brant, an IBM DB2 GOLD Consultant, will be joined by John Campbell, Distinguished Engineer, IBM.

In this episode, our host and guest will introduce and discuss early experiences and lessons to be learned with DB2 10 for z/OS. It will provide quick hints on preparing for and executing the migration, performance expectations and opportunities, virtual storage constraint relief, some instrumentation changes, use of 1MB real storage frame size, use of hash access, value of rebind, etc.  Key topics covered will include: 

1. Lessons learned,  
2. Surprises and pitfalls;
3. Provide hints and tips;  
4. Address some myths;
5. Provide additional planning information;  
6. Provide usage guidelines  
7. Provide positioning on new enhancements 

Participants in our virtual studio audience will have the opportunity to ask questions.


Due to popular demand John Campbell is back to help you plan your migration strategy

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  • Here is the URL http://bit.ly/JCIBMDE
  • Forgive me, but I can't figure out how to register for this event.   I have RSVPed but I think I have to actually register as well.   I see a 'register now' link, but it looks like it is for a event from Feb 22? 

    Upcoming Webcast  - Upgrading to DB2 9 or DB2 10 for z/OS — How? When? What is the cost versus benefit?

    Broadcast Date: February 22, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, 4:00 p.m. GMT

    Register Now

  • Actually Wojtek - when you register there is an option to add to your calendar

  • It is a good idea however these webcasts are hosted by 3rd parties and I use this network to inform members about upcoming webinars and conferences - each 3rd party has different registration methods so this is not easy to do . For example to register for this webcast you need to register using this URL http://bit.ly/JCIBMDE.   I will investigate with 3rd parties to see if there is anything we can do to make life easier .
  • how about box with ADDING TO YOUR CALENDAR
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