Information on Demand has more System z content than any other event! With more than 70 technical sessions, 11 three-hour hands-on-labs, and countless opportunities to meet with IBM experts and fellow System z users, the DB2 for z/OS and Tools track provides you with the knowledge to grow and develop your company's skills and stay ahead of the game! Every business is striving to compete and differentiate—learn how the latest DB2 for z/OS technology not only helps you reduce downtime and accelerate application development, but also enables you to achieve greater cost advantages by running an optimized system.
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  • Hi - it is a shame that you can not make IOD in Las Vegas - however we do have a virtual conference coming up on the 23rd Sept

    Here is Register URL
  • I wish I could go to. The new administration does not allow travel to Vegas
  • I wish I could go to IOD! I haven't been to any conference in 5 years. This major bank that I work at has eliminated all conference attendance, training that requires travel as well.
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