• Jun 6, 2013 from 9:00am to 4:30pm
  • Location: Giant Super Food Store Community Rooms .
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

   WHO :  DBA’s, Data Architects, DB2 Developers, DBA System Programmers – anyone that works with SQL or DB2 Tuning

   PRESENTER – TONY ANDREWS – Tony Andrews has more than 23 years’ experience in the development of IBM DB2 relational database applications. Most of this time, he has provided development and consulting services to Fortune 500 companies and government agencies. Tony has written literally thousands of queries and programs during his development years, and he has also served as a DB2 database analyst. For the past 10 years, Tony has been splitting his time between consulting engagements and training. His main focus is to teach today’s developers the ways of RDMS application design, development, and SQL programming— always with a special emphasis on improving performance.  Tony is a current IBM champion and regular lecturer at industry conferences and local user groups. You may have seen him present at such events as IDUG NA and EMEA, and many regional users groups. He is well known for his “Top 25+ Tuning Tips for Developers” presentation.

    COSTS : :$165.00 – payable check to Themis, Inc.  – Bring it the day of class (or day before at RUG meeting June 5th).  AM – 9-12:30   DB2 10  APPLICATION FEATURES - 

     This course introduces the attendee to the new SQL and application features of DB2V10 for z/OS.  It covers all the new SQL and Optimization features.  SQL Enhancements -Recap of OLAP Features, OLAP Moving Sum, Avg, Extended Null Indicators, Implicit Casting, New Timestamp Precisions. Currently Committed Processing, Hash Access Processing, SQL PL UDF Enhancements, Temporal Table.  V10 Optimization Features - Transitive Closure, Single Matching ‘OR’ Predicates, Cursor / Scrolling Feature, New ‘IN’ Lists. Safe Query Optimization, Index Include, Explain Package Feature  LUNCH -  12:30 – 1:00  PM – 1:00-4:30  ABSTRACT :    DB2 z/OS Advanced SQL – Working with Complex Queries  : Get ready to go deep with Structured Query Language (SQL) and become a power user. Whether you are being asked to solve complicated problems with SQL or you need to read and understand complex SQL that is already written, this session is for you! We’ll look at some of the features in the latest releases of DB2 that allow us to solve even more business and performance problems.

Agenda - •Review of Joins, Subqueries, Nested Table, Expressions, Common Table Expressions, •Quota Queries for Ranking and Top 10 List, •OLAP Ranking Functions, Solving Complex Problems with SQL. Evaluating Options
, Looking at multiple ways to get the same answer,-Looking at Intersect and Except for solutions, •Merge Statement – what did it do? . New SQL : Currently Committed, Skip Locked Data, Uncommitted Reads, Extended Null Indicators, Stored Procedures ‘With Return to client’, Select From Update, Insert, Delete 
SIGN – UP  by ASAP or by May 29th – EMAIL TO lori.galluzzo@hp.com  : $165 check payable to Themis, Inc. due the day of class. 

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