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Db2 for z/OS is enabled for REST access!  Application developers who do not even know Db2 or SQL can invoke services composed of Db2 SQL statements or stored procedures and include these services in their applications via APIs or native REST access to Db2 for z/OS.  This workshop will explain how to discover, create and invoke Db2 REST services natively and how to create and invoke z/OS Connect RESTful APIs which in turn invoke Db2 REST services.


  • Review significance of mobile and REST in the API economy
  • Describe how to achieve REST access to Db2 data by invoking services based upon SQL statements or stored procedures including versioning
  • Describe the use of an app to discover and create and expose REST services
  • Describe the use of the BIND subcommand to create and expose Db2 REST services
  • Explain how Db2 REST services can be included in RESTful APIs using z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition

Presenters: Eric Higgins and Keziah Knopp, IBM

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