• Mar 12, 2018 from 8:30am to 3:30pm
  • Location: Kansas University - Edwards Campus
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

Our guest speaker is Tony Andrews of Themis. This full-day session consists of topics selected specifically to assist developers with Db2 SQL programming performance and best practices.


Attendees will gain knowledge of SQL programming, performance and tuning, and the SQL-PL native Stored Procedure language.


The material provided to each attendee will include:


SQL Standards and Guidelines

SQL coding best practices

SQL-PL coding best practices

Many great SQL examples on rewrites

SQL and program tuning tips

SQL and program tuning step by step processes

We will start at 8:30 am, break for a catered lunch at 11:30, and expect to wrap up by 3:30 pm.


Speaker Bio:


Tony Andrews, Themis Inc., Consultant and Trainer

Tony Andrews has more than 25 years’ experience in the development of relational database applications. For most of this time he has provided development and consulting services to Fortune 500 companies and government agencies. Tony has written literally thousands of queries and programs and has also served as a database analyst. For the last 10 years Tony has been splitting his time between performance and tuning consulting engagements and training.  His main focus is to teach today’s developers the ways of RDMS application design, development and SQL programming -- always with a special emphasis on improving performance.  He is a current IBM Champion, and regular speaker at many regional user groups, IDUG NA, and IDUG EMEA.  He is also the author of a book for developers titled ‘DB2 SQL Tuning Tips for z/OS Developers’.




Session Topics:

Learn the top reasons for poor performance

Learn our top SQL rewrites every developer should know

Learn our top SQL Tuning Tips for developers

Learn our top reasons why you have to watch out for null columns

Learn the top reasons why developers need to know their data

Learn what filter factors are and why they are so important

Learn our top 10 steps to tuning a query or program

Learn our top SQL-PL stored procedures best practices


For additional details and to register for our meeting, please visit https://sites.google.com/site/hoadb2ug/announcements

(our website will be updated with the March 2018 meeting details soon)

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