• Oct 18, 2018 from 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • Location: IBM Client Center, Brussel
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

Busy, busy, busy, we are all very busy.


Indeed, we’re all very busy. There is so much to do and so little time to do it all. Sometimes it seems like you just got into the office and it is already time to go home again. Just some of the common complaints of the busy Db2 professional today.

All valid concerns, but it does not diminish the need to properly address Db2 database administration and performance management... All this cannot be done without being up to date the latest developments in the Db2 arena and sharing experiences with, and benefiting from experiences of others. 

So please take a little bit of time to evaluate the agenda below, and take a break from you busy day-to-day routine on Thursday 18 October  and join your peers for a great day on maintaining and improving on-going efficiency and health of your Db2 environment.

The GSE BeLux Db2 team is convinced you will find this edition to be both interesting and educational.  We cover Db 12 topics as diverse as availability enhancements such as PBR RPN, triggers, the latest and greatest on Db2 utilities (for both V11 and V12). We are also very pleased that we found two customers, KBC (B) and Belastingdienst (NL), who will share their Db2 12 migration experiences.  This active participation from the Netherlands provides you with a great opportunity to extend your network, as we expect other Dutch colleagues to join this GSE Db2 day.

Besides Db2 for z/OS, we also have a track with Db2 for LUW sessions. This way we have all the people that know how to talk Db2 together, giving you the opportunity to pick up exiting things about either engine. Some great topics on the LUW side that will be presented are related to Db2 Big SQL, Db2 Event Store, as well as a revisit of the NoSQL features of Db2 revisited.



Agenda Db2 zOS / LUW October 18


9:00 – 9:30 : Registration


9:30 - 10:30 : Keynote : Hybrid Data Management on z  - Les King (IBM Toronto)


10:30 - 11:00 : Coffee break

11:00 – 12:00 :

zOS Track: PBR RPN and other availability improvements in Db2 12 -Haakon Roberts (IBM)

LUW Track: TBA


12:00 - 12:45 : Lunch offered by IBM

12:45 – 13:45:

zOS Track: All about triggers - Steve Thomas (CA)
LUW TrackDb2 Big SQL, Db2 Event Store and Open Source – Les King (IBM)


13:45 - 14:45:

zOS Track : DB2 12 for Z installation at DTO”  - Oscar Paalman (Belastingdienst NL)

LUW Track: NoSQL features of Db2 revisited: integrity, XML, recovery, and more – Peter Vanroose (ABIS Training & Consulting)


14:45 – 15:15 : Coffee break


15:15 – 16:15:

zOS Track: zOS Db2 Utilities: The Very Latest Developments - Haakon Roberts (IBM)

LUW Track: Db2 11.1.x update and news from the lab – Cristian Molaro (The Mindbridge)


16:15 – 17:15 :

zOS Track: Db2 12 migration @KBC – Gilbert Sieben (KBC)

LUW Track: Db2 in the Cloud including how to leverage a container-based approach – Les King (IBM)


17:15 – 19:00 : Networking and drink (sponsored by IBM)

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