• Mar 17, 2016 from 1:00pm to 7:00pm
  • Location: KBC Building Leuven Belgium
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

There is unexpected beauty hidden everywhere in this world

Tuning is being capable of optimizing the parameter settings of a system in order to maximize the objective of a certain functionality.  Beautiful definition, isn’t it ?

Looking at the number of pages of consecutive IBM Redbook publications describing the performance enhancements of new DB2 versions, they ranged from 478 for DB2 Version 8 to 346 pages for DB2 11. Is the size of the Redbooks a measure of the complexity of tuning a DB2 system?  Unexpected, isn’t it ?

Describing how and what to monitor in a DB for z/OS subsystem and enhance the performance and appearance of your system is the expected and non-hidden beauty of our next GSE DB2 afternoon.

During the upcoming meeting we will explore ways to control and adapt your DB2 systems to maximize performance. We searched high and low, twisted a few arms and found a number of knowledgeable and experienced speakers that will share some experiences related to DB2 system tuning.

Eddy Tiels will focus on how DB2 system performance tuning  is done at BNPPBF. Then Phil Grainger will touch the different areas involved in DB2 system tuning and Cristian Molaro will share experiences and tips from the field on how to tune a number of these areas.

As we have done in the past, we want to make these meetings as interactive as possible, so we also plan to have a group discussion about the system tuning related things you do , don’t do and how you do DB2 system tuning in your installation. To allow you to prepare yourselves a little bit, we added a list of topics that we will be touching upon during the discussion as an attachment to the meeting invitation. We hope that we can have another lively discussion where everybody shares some of his/her experiences so that everybody can learn something from his or her peers.

If you suddenly and (un-)expectedly feel the beauty of this, please register promptly.


Date :  17 March 2016

Location : KBC, Prof. Roger Van Overstraetenplein 2, 3000 Leuven (Dirk Boutszaal)

                               (At walking distance of Leuven-Station and parking ‘De Bond’)

Agenda :

13:00 – 13:30 :   Registration

13:30 - 14:00 :    ‘System Performance at BNPPBF’ - Eddy Tiels, BNPPBF

14:00 - 15:00 :    ‘The A to Z of DB2 system performance’ - Phil Granger, BMC Software

15:00 – 15:30 :   Coffee break

15:30 - 16:30 :     ‘Analyzing performance using Statistics & Accounting reports’ - Cristian Molaro, MConsulting

16:30 – 17:20 : Panel discussion

17:20 – 17:30 :   RFE (Bart Steegmans, IBM)

17:30 - 19:00 :    Networking & Drinks sponsored by BMC Software

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  • Beside several corruptions, backup & recovery and restore problem, the problem of performance is also one of the most concerned issues of DB2 users. If you are looking for best and optimum performance of DB2 database then you must read this - Tips to Improve DB2 Performance!

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