• Jun 12, 2014 all day
  • Location: IBM Client Center, Brussels Belgium
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

“ What’s next?”


Do you know the answer to that question? The number of answers is probably endless.

“What’s next” is what we work and live for. It is the decisions we take and the future we plan. These may be great visions and major goals, things  we carefully plan, or things that just happen. And  trying to fit them in with all other things we need to do along the way, makes our work very complex.

Both working groups will try to answer some of the little “what’s next” questions in databases and DB2 in particular during a day packed with educational sessions.     

The day starts with a true inspiring story of what’s next in the world of information overload and how to make sense of it. Enterprises worldwide are investigating “big data” to learn how to gain a competitive advantage from it. Some are already implementing big data solutions. Who better than Jan Henderyckx to address this topic, spiced with his well-known touch of humor.

During the DB2 for z/OS break-out sessions  we explore some of the topics that DB2 11 is bringing. Some of  the changes with the biggest impact will be thoroughly explained by DB2 expert Timm Zimmermann, and our own Bart Steegmans.

In the DB2 for LUW break-out sessions, Dirk Coppieters and Frederik Engelen present on migrating from Orable to DB2 and using Ansible for DB2 configuration management. You also have the opportunity to get answers to all your burning questions from the DB2 for LUW Experts panel.

Is the next stage of Information Technology one without SQL? Kris Van Thillo lets you take the first plunge into NOSQL databases during our closing session.

The day ends with a cocktail offered by IBM to mingle with your peers and the experts.

Providing you with the knowledge to accomplish, even little things, is our aspiration.

We are confident that you will find the agenda very appealing and we are awaiting your prompt registration.

For Registration and Agenda detail :


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