• Jul 18, 2019 at 9:00am to Jul 19, 2019 at 4:00pm
  • Location: IBM Dublin (Columbus) Ohio Tech Center
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

Dates (2 days):          Thursday and Friday, July 18 and 19, 2019

Class Times:              9:00am – 4:00pm EDT

Cost:                           Class is *free* to pre-registered attendees

Instructor:                  Frank Fillmore

Register at:  www.tinyurl.com/IDAA2019


Join us for this new 2019 class that includes detail on the latest release (June, 2019) features, as well as v7 customer experience feedback, best practices, and v5 to v7 migration tips. Attendees will learn how an IBM Data Analytics Accelerator v7 (aka “Sailfish”) can extend System z’s processing capabilities to enable Hybrid Transaction/Analytic Processing (HTAP).


  • An introduction to the new IBM Integrated Analytics System (IIAS) architecture and latest features.
  • The heterogeneous accelerator environment: what works well today.
  • Support your acquisition with a clear use case and Proof of Concept.
  • Migrating from the Netezza-based IDAA to v7.1.

Lab 1: Basic IDAA Activities

  • Data Studio / IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator Studio GUI
  • Table acceleration
  • Query processing and analysis

Enhancing Value to the IDAA with the IBM Tools Ecosystem

  • Assessment: What is the workload that would benefit from being accelerated?
  • Optimization: How do I monitor and optimize a workload to take advantage of the Accelerator?
  • Administration: Can I manage the Accelerator more effectively?

Lab 2: Advanced IDAA Exploitation

  • Incremental Update: keeping accelerated data in sync with DB2 for z/OS OLTP
  • Accelerator-only Tables (AoTs): intermediate tables and ETL processing
  • High Performance Storage Saver (HPSS)
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