• Dec 14, 2018 all day
  • Location: IBM Finland
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021
Welcome to FiDUG 30 Year Anniversary meeting on Friday 14th of December 2018 starting at 08:30 am. 
The meeting is free of charge but the registration is mandatory. Please register before 3rd of December at 4 pm using this form:
You can also register by sending e-mail to fidug.db2@gmail.com
08:30-09:00 Registration and Coffee
09:00-09.15 Welcome words - Mirva Antila, CEO IBM Finland
09:15-10:15 Db2 Time travel in LUW and z/OS / Temporal Tables in v10 and beyond - Matthias Nicola, IBM
10:15-11:00 Monitoring workloads with section actuals - Patrik Rantanen, CapGemini
11:00-11:20 Break
11:20-12:20 Elastic Db2 databases in the cloud - Matthias Nicola, IBM
12:20-13:00 Lunch
13:00-13:30 Db2 12 for z/OS migration and discussion - Jarmo Männikkö, Kela
13:30-14:30 FiDUG 30 Year Anniversary meeting and Lottery
14:30-15:00 Coffee break and cake
15:00-15:45 Unix 101 for DBA's - Patrik Rantanen, CapGemini
15:45-16:30 IDUG 2018 conference report - Patrik Rantanen, Mika Lindholm, CapGemini
16:30-> Socializing and snacks
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