• Sep 13, 2013 from 8:30am to 4:00pm
  • Location: Philadelphia Area
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

DB2 10 for z/OS New Features and Data Studio for Application Developers Training Day

This will be a day of instructor led training brought to you by Themis

Audience: This course is intended for application developers, database administrators, DB2 system programmers and application architects.

Costs: $250.00 Per Person - Check payable to Themis, Inc.


To Register Online:



To register via email:
Send a note to John Caccavale, jcac@themisinc.com
Please provide the following information:

  • Name & Company
  • Address/City/State
  • Title
  • Phone
  • Email


To register by phone:
Call 1-800-756-3000 and ask for John Caccavale

The training session will include:

DB2 10 for z/OS New Features for Application Development

  1. Aggregation Functions
  2. Extended Indicator Support
  3. Implicit Casting
  4. Timestamp Flexibility
  5. Hash Access
  6. Temporal Tables – Tracking Time with DB2

IBM Data Studio for Mainframe Developers

  1. The IBM Data Studio Environment
  2. Interfacing with the DB2 Catalog
  3. Working with SQL Scripts
  4. Using Visual Explain
  5. Stored Procedure Development



The Vanguard Group
45 Liberty Blvd.
Malvern, PA 19355.
Room 154


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