• Sep 14, 2018 from 10:00am to 11:00am
  • Location: https://global.gotowebinar.com/join/notStarted.tmpl;jsessionid=C31379160DCF36B43EC42BBE98408CD6?webinar=9055792564276920579
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

The DB2Night Show z/OS Edition #Z89: Are you just gonna play in the pool...or own it...Bufferpool that is:

Learn about buffer pool metrics, behavior, and tuning knobs based on real customer experiences and lessons learned.

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  • Hi Don,

    Sorry about that, I have seen in the past where if you join a bit too early the screen will not refresh. I can't say that was the issue today, but please let me know if you need the replay link. Thanks for trying to join in!

  • Trying to join this webcast, but the page I'm directed to says it hasn't started.

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