These are exciting times for DB2 for z/OS as we are cloud ready and running mobile applications. This workshop addresses both major breakthroughs. From a cloud perspective, we will address the automation of DB2 for z/OS installation, migration, and provisioning of new DB2 subsystems and members. z/OSMF workflows guide you through the process avoiding human error and some common pitfalls. This workshop also addressees how to use z/OSMF as it relates to DB2 software, specifically SMP/E. From a mobile perspective, DB2 Adapter for z/OS Connect is a service provider that connects RESTful web, mobile, and cloud applications to DB2 in the z/OS environment for service discovery and invocation. DB2 Adapter for z/OS Connect provides an integrated solution including the IBM Liberty Profile for z/OS and the z/OS Connect component. It leverages the IBM Data Studio for tooling support. DB2 Adapter for z/OS Connect provides a fast, dynamic, scalable, and secure solution for you to interact with protected DB2 assets through RESTful services in JSON data format. The DB2 Adapter for z/OS Connect feature is a complete solution that enables customers to make existing DB2 assets such as SQL and Stored Procedures available to the growing mobile and cloud application ecosystem. NOTE – the DB2 Adapter for z/OS Connect is available for z/OS Connect V1 only.  ***DB2 for z/OS Development has made a statement of direction to support z/OS Connect V2 EE, and this workshop will be updated with z/OS Connect V2 EE material shortly after the DB2 code is generally available. Customers can take advantage of DB2 and mobile using the DB2 Adapter for z/OS Connect.

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