• Jun 18, 2015 from 9:30am to 4:30pm
  • Location: IBM Manchester Labs
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

This Face to Face workshop looks at a variety of SQL features introduced over several DB2 releases, and how they can be used to provide improved functionality, performance, and to provide alternative coding techniques for your applications.

Topics covered include :-

  • Triggers, Instead Of Triggers and Multi-row operations
    Examines the use of triggers and instead of triggers, and looks at the benefits and coding techniques for exploiting multi-row operations.
  • Archive Transparency and TIMESTAMP with TIMEZONE
    Explores the DB2 11 feature which allows applications to transparently access data in an archive table, and optionally to move non-active data into an archive table. It also looks at the use of time zone information with TIMESTAMP columns. 
  • SQL Features including Intersect/Except/Merge and other SQL coding techniques
    Looks at a variety of SQL features introduced over several DB2 releases, and how they can be used to provide improved functionality, performance, and to provide alternative coding techniques for your applications.
  • Dynamic SQL best practices and analysing query performance
    Discusses dynamic SQL best practices, and also looks at how you can code for and analyse query performance. 
  • Interpreting the EXPLAIN tables, using optimisation hints and establishing query stability
    Delves into the information available in the EXPLAIN tables which can be used to understand what access path is chosen by DB2 and why. It also looks at how this same infrastructure can be used to provide hints to the optimiser to influence access path selection, and ultimately to ensure that preferred access paths are used for critical queries.

The speaker for the workshop will be Gareth Jones. Gareth works in the DB2 for z/OS SWAT Team, under the leadership of John Campbell, and works with many customers around the world.

This session is offered free of charge. Complimentary refreshments including tea, coffee and lunch will be provided. However, participants are responsible for their own business travel expenses.

Registration for this event can be found here


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