Early Bird Fee: $1,895 USD per person - Ends August 31 (save $300!)

DB2 for z/OS and Tools  Register now


The DB2 for z/OS and Tools track is designed for IT professionals, Developers and Managers who want to grow and develop their skills, enhance careers and stay ahead of the game. This track will enable you to grow and develop your knowledge and skills, hear about best practices and real customer experiences . At a time of restrictive resources, every business is striving to reduce costs, compete and differentiate - learn how the latest DB2 for z/OS technology not only helps you reduce downtime and achieve greater cost advantages, but also enables you to accelerate application development and innovate.




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  • so how many people are attending Information On Demand Conference in Las Vegas ? We launched DB2 10 at the conference and we had over 10,000 attendees.

    Nearly all the DB2 for z/OS session rooms were over flowing - this is one conference you can not afford to miss if you work with DB2 for z/OS.

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