• Jun 6, 2017 from 11:00am to 12:00pm
  • Location: LIVE Webcast with Q & A
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

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DB2 12 for z/OS Data Sharing Enhancements

Broadcast Date: June 6th  at 11:00 a.m. EDT and 4pm BST

Developed for: IT managers; IT and enterprise architects; application programmers and managers; and database administrators and managers

Technical Level: Intermediate


There are rich new features in DB2 12 to extend the Data Sharing capabilities that so many DB2 environments rely upon.  These features address performance, availability and flexibility requirements.  This session will cover asynchronous lock structure duplexing for same-site or multi-site Parallel Sysplex performance, lock avoidance improvements, page registration reduction, automatic retry of GRECP/LPL recovery, DB2 peer recovery, and enhancements for DDF clients including session tokens and XA global transaction support.

Speaker : Mark Rader - IBM Certified I/T Specialist - DB2 for zOS


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