• Feb 19, 2015 from 10:30am to 11:15am
  • Location: Webinar
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

As with every new version of DB2, there are many ‘out of the box’ benefits. There are also specific benefits and features for DBAs and even more for developers. These new versions of DB2 come packed with so many new features and functionality, we think it would be good to highlight what we think are some of the best and most helpful for developers. If you are a developer, designer, DBA, or performance tuning specialist wanting to learn more about many of these new features, then this webinar is especially for you. Some of the topics covered will be new SQL, new bind parameters, temporal and archive application designs, SQL PL enhancements, and new optimization improvements. 

Your presenter will be Tony Andrews. Tony has more than 25 years’ experience in the development of IBM DB2 relational database applications. Most of this time, he has provided development and consulting services to Fortune 500 companies and government agencies. Tony has written literally thousands of queries and programs during his development years, and he has also served as a DB2 database analyst. For the past 10 years, Tony has been splitting his time between consulting engagements and training. His main focus is to teach today’s developers the ways of RDBMS application design, development, and SQL programming— 
always with a special emphasis on improving performance. 

Tony is a current IBM champion and regular lecturer at industry conferences and local user groups. You may have seen him present at such events as IDUG NA and EMEA, and many regional users groups. He is a published author and is well known for his “Top 25+ Tuning Tips for Developers” presentation. 

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