
This course is intended for:

  • IBM CICS Systems Programmers and Administrators
  • Technical CICS Programmers needing a better understanding of CICS


Ideally attendees should have one or two years experience supporting CICS Transaction Server.

Duration. 5 days. Hands on.

Course Objectives

This CICS for System Programmers course covers the latest version of CICS 6.1. Upon completion, attendees will be able to understand how to install CICS/TS using zOSMF, and customize a new CICS system using DFHISTAR. They will be able to describe how CICS resources are defined and how CICS Communicates with VTAM and TCPIP. The attendee will understand the RACF Security interface, the VSAM and DB2 interfaces as well as the Operational and Intersystem Communication Interfaces. The major CICS Utilities are also covered as is Startup and Shutdown, Recovery and Logging. The attendees will also be able to describe the CICS-MQ Interface, Threadsafe and understand CICS Web Services. A CICS 6.1 system will be available for online access and workshops.  This course is also available at previous releases, please ask for details.

Course Content


CICS Installation and Customization

  • Understanding how z/OSMF installs CICS
  • Understanding the customization of CICS using DFHISTAR
  • Defining the CICS Datasets – DFHCOMDS and DFHDEFDS
  • How to define CICS to z/OS
  • How to define CICS to VTAM and TCPIP
  • Understanding the CICS Startup JCL

CICS Internal Structure

  • The Role of the Domains
  • The Role of the Kernel Domain
  • The Role of the Transaction Manager Domain
  • The Role of the Application Domain
  • The Role of the Dispatcher Domain
  • The Major Control Blocks

CICS/TS Storage Manager

  • The Storage Manager Facilities
  • Storage Protection
  • The Dynamic Storage Areas
  • The Transaction Isolation facility

The CICS Tables

  • The Program List Table Post Initialization
  • The Program List Table Shutdown
  • The System Initialization Table
  • The System Recovery Table


Resource Definition Online

  • The DFHCSD dataset
  • The CEDA transaction
  • CEDB
  • CEDC
  • The Components of RDO
  • Building the Definitions for CICS
  • The Batch Facility
  • The CICSLOG destinations
  • Audit trailing


  • The major VTAM control blocks
  • ACB
  • NIB
  • RPL
  • Bind
  • The Terminal Control Table
  • Sequential Terminals
  • Controlling the VTAM Interface
  • Defining the TCPIP interface
  • The TCPIPSERVICE definition
  • The Listener Transaction
  • Defining Sockets and Ports
  • Incoming Transactions

CICS to MQ Connectivity

  • CICS / MQ Relationship
  • SIT Implications
  • CSD Definitions
  • The role of the CKTI Transaction
  • Using the CKQC Transaction

CICS Security Requirements

  • Sources of threat
  • What can be secured
  • Identifying CICS datasets
  • The RACF Class Descriptors for CICS
  • How to define the CICS Resources to RACF
  • Converting CICS and build RACF security

File Control and DB2

  • Defining the FCT
  • The VSAM environment
  • Displaying the FCT online
  • DB2 components and DB2Conn
  • The Attachment facility
  • The DSNC transaction
  • Defining the CICS/DB2 resources
  • Preparing a Program - Bind


CICS Operations

  • The Master Terminal Operation
  • CEMT
  • CESN
  • CESF
  • Different options to Start CICS
  • COLD
  • AUTO

The role of the Global Catalog Warm/Emer start

  • Shutting Down the CICS system
  • CICS Supplied Transactions
  • CEBR
  • CECI
  • CEDF and CEDX
  • CETR
  • CMAC

Defining and Controlling MRO, LUTYPE6.2, IPIC

  • The MRO environment
  • Defining MRO/XCF
  • The Online options needed to define MRO
  • Connections/Sessions
  • The LUTYPE6.2 environment
  • The Online options needed to define LUTYPE6.2
  • Connections/Sessions
  • How to Define the TOR, AOR, FOR
  • What is the CICS Relay
  • Dynamic Transaction Routing
  • What is the Mirror
  • Defining TCPIP IPIC Links



  • Establishing/Defining the CICS Explorer TCPIP Connection
  • Connecting to CICS Explorer
  • Signing on
  • Choosing Perspectives
  • The CMCI – CICS Management Client Interface
  • Understanding the CICSPLEX SM Eclipse/Screen Layout
  • The Operations View
  • The Definitions View

Understanding CICS/TS Logging

  • Defining the System Logger
  • CEDA Defining the Journal Models
  • Specifying the Journal name and the Stream name
  • IXCMIAPU – The XCF Admin Utility
  • Defining the Structures
  • The role of DFHLOG and DFHSHUNT
  • Error Situations
  • Security and Operations

Recovery and Restart

  • Dynamic Transaction Backout
  • Emergency Restart
  • Exclusive control - Syncpoint
  • Defining Recoverable Resources
  • Considerations for Backout


CICS Utilities

  • DFHSTUP – Tuning and Statistics
  • DFH0STAT and the STAT Transaction

CICS Web Services

  • Web support overview
  • Sit implications and definitions
  • Using TCPIPSERVICE definition
  • Using DOCTEMPLATE definition
  • Using URIMAP definition
  • PIPELINE definition described
  • Pipeline message handlers
  • Understanding the Assistant Utilities
  • Converting the Language Structure to XML/SOAP
  • Converting the Language Structure to JSON
  • Building WSDL and WSBIND

Understanding CICS Threadsafe

  • OTE Overview
  • Why the need for Threadsafe
  • Defining Threadsafe programs
  • Researching which programs can be Threadsafe
  • System Programmers Tasks
  • SIT Options that affect Threadsafe
  • Tracing Threadsafe
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