• Sep 12, 2013 from 9:00am to 4:00pm
  • Location: Downtown Chicago close to trains
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

We have a couple of rocking tracks for the upcoming Thursday, September 12th Meeting.  On the z side, Leon Katsnelson, an expert in the field, will describe what Bid Data is and introduce Hadoop and Cloud technologies from the view of a database person.  I have seen these outstanding presentations and recommend that you invite your managers to the meeting and splurge on the $35.00 day pass because they will find it well worth their time and it includes lunch!  The day winds down with a tool talk and much needed updated information on Data Sharing.

On the LUW side, the day covers many hands-on DBA tips, techniques and tools from very experienced practitioners.  Tips for supporting high volume OLTP and E-Commerce databases, ways to monitor, report and tune those databases, strategies for database and table partitioning portioning, and what to index and what not to index.

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