• Dec 11, 2013 from 8:30am to 4:00pm
  • Location: Giant Super Foods Store - Camphill, PA
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

Central PA Regional DB2 User Group Date: Weds. December 11th, 2013 Place: Giant Super Food Store Community Room, 3301 Trindle Rd , Camp Hill, PA 17011  Cost: FREE Reservations:Email: Odessa Fennen – odessa.fennen@hp.com   - BY December 4th, 2013!

 Agenda for Weds. December11th, 2013

 8:30-9:00 Breakfast & Announcements  Sponsored By: CA Technologies  

 9:00-10:15 “DB2 11 Technical Overview – Part 1” Presenter: Jay Yothers, IBM Corporation

This presentation will provide a technical preview of DB2 11.  As in the past many DB2 z/OS releases, DB2 11 has a wealth of performance improvements as well as a long list of new functionality.  This presentation gives the attendee an early view of the benefits and functionality that is being delivered with DB2 11 to allow for technical planning in migrating to this next version of DB2 for z/OS.

10:15-10:30 Break

 10:30-11:45  “DB2 11 Technical Overview – Part 2” Presenter: Jay Yothers, IBM Corporation

 This presentation is a continuation of DB2 11 Technical overview.  

11:45 -1:00 Lunch – Sponsored by CA Technologies  

12:15-12-45 – Lunch & Learn – “Dynamic Data Center & Chorus Product Support Features”

 Presenter: Bob Anderson - CA Technologies  

 12:45 – 1:00  - Drawings

  1:00-2:15 “Don’t Copy Prod to Test!”

Presenter: Bob Anderson, CA Technologies  

 Many companies build their test databases by copying production data over to the test system. If your production data includes private financial or HIPAA information you or your company could be at risk of lawsuits or loss of employment if you are thought responsible for this kind security breech. We’ll look at some of the applicable law and discuss what this means to you and your company.

 2:15–2:30 Break

 2:30-3:45 “Using DB2 9 Native Stored Procedures”

Presenter: Bob Anderson, CA Technologies  

 Native SQL stored procedures are new for DB2 9. They offer less overhead, are zIIP eligible and are easier to write, in short a win/win/win situation. We will cover the writing and definition of native SQL stored procedures and discuss the new capabilities for versioning these procedures. We will also cover the new SQLFORMAT option and new coding support for Extended GOTO and Nested compound statements. Next we will  look at testing and debugging capabilities, including a sample Rexx exec to quickly verify the functionality of the new procedures quickly. Measuring and monitoring resource consumption will be covered. We will then cover deployment commands and migration from existing external  SQL procedures to the new native SQL procedures. Finally we will discuss documentation resources that to learn more about native SQL stored procedures.

3:45-4:00 Closing

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