The Central Canada DB2 User Group presents two EXCITING days of IMS for zOS, DB2 for LUW and DB2 for zOS education! The theme of this year’s conference is the forthcoming new releases of IMS 14 for zOS, DB2 12 for zOS and DB2 11 for LUW. Maryela Weihrauch, an IBM Distinguished Engineer, and George Baklarz, B. Math, M. Sc., Ph.D. Eng., of the Core Database Technical Sales group (aka DB2 for LUW) will be presenting on the new DBMS goodies. Favorite speakers such as Susan Lawson, Daniel Luksetich, John Iczkovits, Matt Huras, Dale McInnis, Steve Rees and many IDUG Hall of Fame speakers are back to present on many diverse areas of DB2 and IMS.

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