• Jun 11, 2015 from 8:30am to 3:00pm
  • Location: Sheraton Columbia Town Center Hotel
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

Session 1: DB2 for z/OS Backup and Recovery: Basics, Best Practices, and What's New - Robert Catterall, IBM

Most anyone involved in supporting a DB2 for z/OS environment will readily acknowledge the importance of sound data backup and recovery plans and procedures, but how is that concern reflected in the backup and recovery policies actually in effect at DB2 for z/OS sites? In this presentation, I will review the basics of DB2 for z/OS data backup and recovery, along with common pitfalls seen in the real world. I will also cover best practices regarding backup and recovery, and some recent enhancements in this area delivered by DB2 for z/OS versions 10 and 11.

Session 2: DB2 Recovery Planning and Modernization Techniques - Hendrik Mynhardt, IBM

In this session the components of DB2's backup and recovery functions will be discussed as well as new modern ways to speed up you copies and reduce recovery time to meet your RTO (Recovery Time Objectives). All the stand-alone and DB2 DSNUTILB utilities will be covered in detail as it relates to best practices. At the end of this session you will know all the functions and features DB2 provides for backup and recovery as well as the integration with your storage subsystem and DFSMS family of products.

Session 3: IBM DB2 Recovery Expert - Anthony Ciabattoni, IBM

What are the biggest challenges when performing DB2 Recovery? Diagnosing root cause? Determining a recovery point? Finding all related objects that need to be restored together? Concerns about availability? Management breathing down your neck? This session will demonstrate how you can overcome these obstacles in confidence, in the fastest and safest way possible. In addition to traditional recovery strategies/techniques this session will discuss DB2 Recovery Expert DBA rich functionalities that will assist in every day productivity.

Session 4: DB2 11 for z/OS – How the Navy Federal Credit Union Got There - Paul Walters, Navy Federal Credit Union

Navy Federal Credit Union (NFCU), the world’s largest Credit Union, ordered DB2 V11 on day one when it became GA. NFCU had not been part of the ESP program. NFCU had just completed a DB2 V10 upgrade in June 2013. Why would a conservative banking customer make this choice? And why should you be considering the same thing. What are the key success features that made this a smooth implementation?

More information is available at http://www.bwdb2ug.org/db2zos.htm

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