• Sep 10, 2014 from 8:30am to 3:30pm
  • Location: Sheraton Columbia Hotel
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

Featured Speakers:

  • Jim Dee, Corporate Architect at BMC Software
  • Chad Reiber, Software Consultant at BMC Software
  • Jim Kurtz, Software Consultant at BMC Software
  • John Iczkovits, Consulting IT Specialist with IBM Advanced Technical Skills

BWDB2UG Meeting Agenda:

  • 08:30 - 09:00 Registration 
  • 09:00 - 10:15 DB2 11 Expanded RBA/LRSN - Does this bit make my tail look big? - Presented by: Jim Dee
  • 10:15 - 10:30 Coffee Break
  • 10:30 - 11:45 DB2 V10 Questions: To Include or Not Include? Where did all the LOBs go? - Presented by: Chad Reiber
  • 11:45 - 12:45 Lunch
  • 12:45 - 02:00 BMC Workbench for DB2 - Secure self-service tooling for DB2 for z/OS - Presented by: Jim Kurtz
  • 02:00 - 02:15 Break
  • 02:15 - 03:30 IBM Session (TBD) - Presented by: John Iczkovits


Title: DB2 11 Expanded RBA/LRSN - Does this bit make my tail look big?

Abstract: DB2 has had a 6 byte RBA since the beginning and a 6 byte LRSN since DB2 Version 4. IBM is introducing the ability to optionally expand the RBA and LRSN to 10 bytes in DB2 11. This change will have fairly far reaching implications on many DB2 structures that have carried a 6 byte RBA since the beginning over 30 years ago. This presentation will raise some of those implications by discussing where RBA values currently reside in the DB2 universe. Given a DB2 11 GA announcement, more details of new formats will be provided. The source of the presentation title? Every page on a DB2 object, both table and index spaces, ends in a structure called PGTAIL. In the expanded world, this becomes PGBIGTAIL.

Title: DB2 V10 Questions: To Include or Not Include? Where did all the LOBs go?

Abstract: Is it time to look at implementing DB2 V10 features. Most times we have great plans when we put together the business case to upgrade to the new release of DB2. So much effort is put into the conversion and validation - those new features fall off the project plan and soon become forgotten. This presentation will look at two new features of DB2 V10 which can provide improved performance to your SQL Queries.

Title: BMC Workbench for DB2 - Secure self-service tooling for DB2 for z/OS

Abstract: As our typical mainframe workforce starts to look towards retirement, there is becoming a need for more functionally rich interfaces than the historical ISPF screens. BMC Workbench for DB2 brings the power of a graphical interface to the world of DB2 tools. Running in a web browser, thus obviating the need for ANY local installation of software, BMC Workbench for DB2 provides secure self service access to both DB2 and to the BMC DB2 toolset. Initially targeting application developers, Workbench delivers catalog browsing, access path analysis, statement tuning, job submission and many more activities in a familiar graphical environment.

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