• Mar 21, 2019 from 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • Location: Progressive Discovery Center Studio 96
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

   The Northeast Ohio Database Users Group (NEODBUG) proudly announces our annual education event, to be held on Thursday, March 21, 2019 at the Progressive Discovery Center Studio 96 in Mayfield, Ohio.

   We are pleased to have Tony Andrews of Themis
, who will present “New Application Features for Db2 z/OS”.

   Are you still coding and designing SQL from the 90’s? The last several releases of Db2 have brought quality new features that can be used to improve both functionality and performance for today’s complex applications. This event will help catch you up! Themis has condensed their multi-day commercial offering into a one-day intense course for NEODBUG.

   The price of this day of education and networking is low, low, low: $225 in advance for employees of NEODBUG member companies, $250 if not; add $25 to each fee if registering at-the-door.


    Every fifth attendee from the same company is eligible for a $30 discount on registration.
   Your registration fee includes all presentation materials, lunch and break refreshments.

   Advance registration will close at end-of-day Monday March 18, 2019

   We are getting the announcement of this event out early, so you will have time to clear your participation with your management and insure that your company’s money-saving membership to NEODBUG is taken care of.

   Register for the event at: www.neodbug.org/2_1/register.html

   Find more information on our event in our newsletter, posted at www.neodbug.org .

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