• Apr 26, 2016 from 11:00am to 12:00pm
  • Location: 11am EST 4PM BST
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021

A Matter of Time:Temporal and Archive Data Management in DB2 for z/OS & IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator (IBMIDAA)



You could say it was just a matter of time... Industry regulations and competitive pressures are prompting IT managers to maintain more data for longer periods of time and to provide better ways for business users to analyze past, current, and future events. To help organizations achieve these goals, IBM has built greater awareness of time into DB2 for z/OS starting with V10 and continuously enhanced in DB2 11 and 12 based on new customer use cases.
Maryela introduces you to the concepts and capabilities of DB2 bi-temporal and transparent archiving in DB2 and IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator. She will provides examples and best practice recommendations to help you understand how easy it can be to deploy it in our organization and unlock historical and archive data for analytical use cases.

Maryela Weihrauch - IBM Distinguished Engineer @zAnalyticsGURU


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